
author unknown

Caboclo nas matas
Nas cachoeiras, nas pedras e nas pedreiras
E nas ondas do mar

Cabocla guerreira
Mensageira, da paz e da harmonia
Soldado de oxala

Vem de aruanda - vem vem vem
Trazendo forca - vem vem vem
Quebrando mironga - vem vem vem
Na umbanda sarava

Caboclo of the forest, the waterfalls and stony places, and the waves of the sea,
Cabocla warrioress, messenger of peace & harmony, soldier of Oxala,
From Aruanda, bringing force, to break the illusion, so Umbanda can be healed
— Caboclo/Cabocla refers, in this case, to the forest spirits. Oxala is one of the creative forces within the Umbanda tradition.