Aguila Florida

by Pablo Camesana

Aguila Florida sagrada medicina
Lluvia de colores sanando corazones

Heya wana heya, heya wana ho
Heya wana heya, heya wana ho
Hey ney o’ way

De nuestras almas, sos la protetora
Santa curadora alegre voladora

Heya wana heya, heya wana ho
Heya wana heya, heya wana ho
Hey ney o’ way

Hay viene el dia, aguila florida
Vuelan por los cielos, azules de la vid

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Eagle of the flowers,
sacred medicine, raining colors that heal our hearts

Protector of our souls, sacred healer,
in joyous flight

Here comes the day, eagle of the flowers,
soaring through the blue sky of life