
Ricardo Moraes

Aya, Aya Ayahuasca
Aya, Aya Ayahuasca

Chamei o rei das flores
Ele me respondeu
Aya, Aya Ayahuasca

Aya, Aya Ayahuasca
Aya, Aya Ayahuasca

O rei Ayahuasca
Ele toma Iagé
Iagé Ayahuasca

Aya, Aya Ayahuasca
Aya, Aya Ayahuasca

O rei Ayahuasca ele vive na floresta
Ele é filho de Indio
E da rainha da floresta

Aya, Aya Ayahuasca
Aya, Aya Ayahuasca

Vivemos neste planeta
Com a vossa proteção
Se balança maracá
Com amor no coração

Aya, Aya Ayahuasca
Aya, Aya Ayahuasca

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I called to the king of the flowers
And he responded
Aya, Aya, Ayahuasca

Hail King Ayahuasca
He drinks Yagé
Yagé Ayahuasca

Hail King Ayahuasca
He lives in the forest
The child of the Indians
And the queen of the forest

We live on this planet
With your protection
As long as we shake the maraca
With love in the heart