Plant Flowers


Sing Songs

Let me guess, you’ve got this song bouncing round in your brain from the last circle… 
It goes something like “Na na, neh neh, hey ney o way…”

Now, instead of rummaging through my head, you can rummage through my website !

As you probably know, the point of this whole operation is to get the songs out to those in our circles who want to learn them.

As they are simply snippets of circles, never really going through post production, or even production, in any professional sense, the quality of them is good enough to learn from, but not for just listening to. So we have designed the website for that purpose.

Many of the songs are now quite different from their original compositions, either to suit our proposes, or just how melodies (and therefore chords) drift over time.

Our apologies for offending those song carriers that are attached to how the originals go. It is great that someone is holding the history of such things, but that is not necessarily our purpose here.

You can often find different versions online if you are interested, though it is not always possible to discern the original…

As well as the words to learn the songs, there are also rough translations, so you can understand the variety of languages used here.

Moreover, all the chords are also included, to get all those instrument players more confident to shine in circle with us.

I wanted to state all of this, as it is good to know what you’re contributing to, and paying for. And what you’re not...

It’s not a playlist to put on in the car, though if there is enough request, maybe we could come up with something…

So, anyway, enjoy.



Following are four ways you can contribute, according to your own capacity.

Please be honest, and share what you can, so that the circle may continue to grow.

Just like in circle, the more full-paying people there are, the more sustainable it makes it to assist those that cannot - until their good fortune pays off, and they can afford to assist others.


I am skint, but I want these songs in my life


I’m hard up but I want to contribute


I can show these songs their real worth


I have the means to give this my full support

Many thanks for populating the website Miça, for the original recordings Jethro, and the audio polishing Johnny.

And for all the song writers, players and singers over the years (can you hear yourself in any of them : )

And thanks to the sun, the earth, the wind and the waters…

And all that jazz.
